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Software Update Management- SCCM 2012

The below post explains the end to end process of software updates management in SCCM 2012 Pre-requisites: 1.  WSUS Server (WSUS 3.0 SP2 ) should be installed on the SCCM site server or if you want to install WSUS on another server, it is important that you install WSUS administration console as the SCCM Server uses API. This  link explains the step by step procedure to install WSUS 3.0 SP2 2. Install SUP-Software Update Point on the SCCM Server . 3. Reporting Services Point: Install reporting services point role as described in this link . 4. Client agent: The software update client agent should be enabled(will be enabled by default) and the settings have to specified as per the requirement. On SCCM console, go to Administration>Site Configuration>Client settings>Right click on Default client settings> Click on Properties. If required, we can create custom client settings and then enable client settings for that settings. Unde

Install SCCM 2007 Client Agents-Post SCCM Server Installation-Task 8

The SCCM installation method used here is Client Push installation method.

There are two ways to use Client Push installation:

1. Site wide enabling of the Client push Installation: This method will install the SCCM client agents on all the machines that fall under the boundaries of a specific site.
2. Collection specific or Individual Client: Using Client Push installation wizard, we can target individual client system or a specific collection. This method gives us greater control in deploying SCCM client agents in a phased manner.

a] Preparing Client and the SCCM Server:

Client : Prepare the Windows client and install the required pre-requisites for   installing SCCM.

Server:On the SCCM server side, follow all the 7 tasks as mentioned in this post.

b] Configuring Client Push on SCCM Server and Installation:

1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Site Management / <site code> – <site name> / Site Settings / Client Installation Methods.
2. Right click the Client Push Installation method, and then click Properties.
    * On the Accounts tab, mention the client push installation account that will be used for client agent installation. It should be part of the local admin group on the client machine. Care should be taken while entering the password here since SCCM will not verify if correct password is specified.

3. On the Client tab specify the installation properties to use, here I have specified SMSSITECODE=AUTO so that the clients can auto discover the sites.
There are lot of Client Installation properties that can be used, the below Microsoft link directs to that.

Coming to General  tab, we can enable site wide installation of the SCCM clients. Here, we are going to target collections instead of site wide installations.

4. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management Collections.
Select the collection or computer in a collection you want to push the client software to. To launch the Client Push Installation wizard, right-click the computer or collection that should receive the client software, and then select Install Client. To display the installation options, click Next.

Here , since the target machine that I am using is Windows XP, the collection being targeted is "All Windows XP Systems" 

5. On the Installation options page, specify the client installation options that should be used for installing the Configuration Manager 2007 client to a domain controller, clients assigned to this site, sub collections, or if the software should always be installed by selecting the appropriate options. The default is Include only clients in this site's boundaries.

To complete the Client Push Installation wizard, click Next. Review the installation settings, and click Finish to close the wizard.

c] Verification Of Successfull Client Installation :

Server Side: Check CCM.LOG file in "SCCM Installation directory\Logs" folder. 

It will connect to the admin share on the client system, check for OS versions and other settings and then copy the files onto the local system.
It creates a CCR record for each system that is targetted for client push and stores the record in CCR Inbox in the SCCM installation directory
It should start the ccmsetup service on the said client as shown below.

If the service is started , then next we can jump to client side for further information.

Client Side: There are 3 important log files which provide us the information whether the client is installed or not.

1. ccmsetup.log

This log provides whether the installation of client agent is  successful or not.

The log files location is :
32 bit OS : %Windir%\System32\CCMSETUP folder
64 bit OS : %Windir%\CCMSETUP folder


The log files location is :
32 bit OS : %Windir%\System32\CCMSETUP folder
64 bit OS : %Windir%\CCMSETUP folder

This log provides detailed information on the installation of SCCM client.

3. ClientIDManagersetup.log:

  The log files location is :

32 bit OS : %Windir%\System32\CCM\Logs folder
64 bit OS : %Windir%\SysWOW64\CCM\Logs.

This log provides whether the client is registered or not.It generates GUID for that client and unless it is registered, the machine status on the server will not appear as "Yes"

After the successful installation of Configuration manager 2007 client agent, it will create 3 applets on the client machine's control panel.
1. Configuration manager applet.
2.Run Advertised programs
3.Program download monitor

On the server side, the client installation status will show as "Yes" and as "Approved"


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